Stony Brook University

Request Access :: USPEX Registration :: Stony Brook University

Basic Information
Affiliated Institutions or Companies

If you are affiliated with multiple businesses or institutions, list the primary business/institution first.

If you are not affiliated with any business or institution, indicate your mailing/residential address.

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I certify as a requested user of USPEX that I will not provide, distribute or otherwise further transfer USPEX software or source code to any other person without the express written permission of Stony Brook University.

I certify as a requested user of USPEX that I will not modify or copy USPEX software or source code.

I certify as a requested user of USPEX that I will use USPEX for academic/research purposes only. No commercial purposes are permitted under this registration. I certify that I will comply with all applicable U.S. laws, including export control laws, when using the USPEX software or source code as stated above.